November 2014 Archives

Goran Le Grand


By Laurie Dujardin

2654802333_60513e9bcb_o.jpgGoran Bregovic may be the greatest musical genius of our time. His music has crossed more genres, and all boundaries are erased in its all-encompassing sweep. It is fitting that he comes from Sarajevo (b.1950), sometimes referred to as the belly button of the world. He calls himself Yugoslavian since he is born of a Croatian father and Serbian mother. Listening to his interviews, you find a very low key, unassuming and surprisingly self-effacing man. He is full of boyish charm even at his age, and is extremely attractive, to women in particular. He has the romantic looks of many of the great composers through time, including his famously lush and longish locks. His countenance emanates warmth and childlike innocence and there is joy in his ever present, natural smile.

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